You Were Pulled Over For A
What You're Facing
Some traffic ticket violations can result in higher insurance rates. The more serious the violation, the more likely this could happen. Some violations are correctable. Your Traffic Ticket Attorney can help you avoid an insurance rate hike.
We know how valuable your time is at work and at home. We remove the stress inherent in dealing with the court by handling everything for you – you won’t even need to drive downtown!
How We Can Help
Court Representation
Most traffic ticket violations come with a court date. This means you are legally obligated to show up in court to defend yourself. This means: missed time at work, driving downtown, the hassle of dealing with the system. Instead, you can work with us and eliminate the headaches. We represent you and negotiate with judges and prosecutors on your behalf. You won't even have to show up!
No Hassle
We started out traffic ticket process because we couldn't believe how much hassle was involved when dealing with the court system. Hire us and eliminate this entirely. You won't even need to leave your house to hire us. We can process your information over the phone and get started right away!
Keep Ticket Off Your Record
Most people don't recognize the pitfalls of dealing with your own traffic tickets. Make a mistake and your innocent speeding ticket could become a permanent fixture on your driving record. We won't let this happen. We're actively fighting for you and eliminating or severely reducing the penalties.
Learn More About CDL Violations
If you have a commercial drivers license, you know exactly how serious receiving a CDL ticket can be. If you use your commercial drivers license to make a living as a commercial motor vehicle (CMV) operator, conviction of too many CDL tickets can mean the loss of your job or even the end of your trucking career. Our CDL ticket defense lawyers understand you rely on your CDL to support your family. Don’t take a chance with your commercial drivers license or your livelihood.
You should hire a Coquat Law Firm CDL Lawyer to defend your CDL ticket because your only option is to fight your ticket in ticket court. Your chances of being convicted without a lawyer are extremely high. A CDL holder must go to trial because a CDL ticket is not eligible to be resolved through defensive driving or deferred disposition. This means the only way the CDL ticket can be resolved is if the prosecutor is convinced it should be dismissed and drops the ticket, or through a not guilty verdict at trial. Our CDL traffic ticket lawyers have experience resolving CDL tickets both ways. We have helped hundreds of CDL holders keep traffic ticket convictions off their driving records or negotiated to reduce the seriousness of the offense. Let one of our experienced CDL Lawyers help defend you.
We fight aggressively to to defend you against CDL violations and work closely with local prosecutors and judges to minimize the effect a CDL ticket has on your CDL license. The Coquat Law Firm resolves thousands of Traffic Ticket Citations every single year. We can also help with Occupational licenses.
Call us now: 210-745-2825.
Alleged 22 mph over as a CDL driver and Attorney Coquat got the entire ticket thrown out. Dismissed completely. Like it never happened. Staff, Miss Heidi, was incredible and kept me well informed. Would recommend and will use again.
Leslie Byerly
San Antonio, Texas
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